Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Poor Poppy....

My Dad, AKA, Poppy is a great grandpa!  He helps us out a lot with babysitting, and will often pick Jocelyn up from school and watch her until we get home from work.  The one thing that he needs to work on is the pajama routine.  Bless his heart... Literally (not exaggerating) the past three times he has watched Jocelyn, he has put on her footsie pajamas backwards!  SERIOUSLY!  Each time, we laugh and I give him instructions on how it should be done....yet, he does it again?!? 

This is what I found the other night when he babysat.  Look closely at the zipper going up the BACK of Miss Jocelyn. 

So, what did I do?  I decided to purchase adult sized footsie pajamas for my Dad to practice on.  This way he won't make this mistake again.  Ha!

He even commented on how "tight" it was up around his neck.  I said SEE DAD, it is no fun to have your PJ's on backwards.  Well, I hope he practices before the next babysitting gig!

Love you Poppy!!!


  1. I love it! I would do the same thing. How do you put that on backwards? LOL

  2. I'm laughing so hard it hurts! HAHA!

  3. That is stinking hilarious. so glad you caught a pic of how he dressed her so you can show her with she's older!

  4. hahaha! i love that! That's awesome! my step-dad richard managed to get gage's diaper on backwards once...but that's nothing compared to this! hahahaha!
